Substance Abuse Prevention


The Dover Police Charities is one way an individual or business could support drug prevention efforts in Dover. Donations are accepted for these efforts in general or targeted to any of the following specific programs that the Charities helps to fund:

DARE & related classroom presentations. Each year the Charities provides the funds to buy DARE shirts for the 300 students that complete the program. We also help fund classroom supplies and the party for DARE students when the program is completed.

We also support the Drug Free ID program by purchasing film and ID supplies for the almost 300 IDs that are distributed each year. These IDs are provided to DARE students that complete all program requirements.

The Charities is the source of most of the Dover Youth to Youth Program’s funds for their drug prevention efforts and their recreational events such as hiking trips and after school programs. In most years almost 70 youth advocates conduct drug prevention activities by creating media, holding community campaigns, and conducting a wide range of in person presentations.

The community can also support the prevention activities of the Dover Coalition for Youth through the Police Charities. The Coalition brings together people and agencies from all over Dover and promotes collaboration on drug prevention efforts.